Thursday, January 21, 2010

Need advice here really bad.?

My husband just filed for divorce. The house is in his name as primary (I'm secondary) and it needs a lot of work to put on the market. Houses around here are not selling for what they are worth (per the realitor). Our options are fix it up wait for it to sell and not make much of anything on the equity or he gave me the option to just refinance and take his name off the title so he doesn't have to fix it up and just leave. I crunched the numbers and can only have around $170 left over at the end of each month if I keep the house. Keep in mind he's leaving me with a 92 gmc safari to drive as well which at this point I'm sure is unreliable. The other option is to loose the house and move into an apartment and have about $400 left over which is only $230 difference from keeping the house.

The next dilema is my 18 yr old son that will be heart broken to leave the house he grew up in. I'm torn with selling and coming out a few extra dollars more or staying and just living to pay the actual bills. I feel guilty that my son has to possibly go through dealing with the loss of the home and I'm scared of just moving period. Do you think based on what I've posted that it would be best to sell or stay? Please help with advice to clear my head. I would call the attorney but she keeps charging me for every time I take to her. Any advice would be welcome. Thank you.

No spousal support by the way. I already checked into that one.

Need advice here really bad.?
first place id look for some answers is a local womens shelter or womans centre. Tell them your dilema, maybe they have suggestions of where to go for further help and maybe able to offer discounted legal services.

The will at least know about all the govt agencies available to help in your case. they are sometimes so hard to find yoruself but places like this know about them all.

There will also be a govt department to help for you in the way of advice ... this i am sure of. Its cheaper for the govt to help you find a solution to take care of yourself and keep you in your home than have you become dependant on them in the future.

keep your chin up, its natural to be afraid, its a crazy reality thats been put on you... remember, where there is a will there is a way...

so keep calling govt agencies and womens centres until you find someone who is helpful enough to put some energy into finding some solutions.

dont give up. you can get through this, and when you do you will have learnt jsut how much strength an courage you have within you.

good luck Need advice here really bad.?
Have you considered renting out a room or two? That might help with the payments and let your son stay in the home he grew up in. Just another thought for you... good luck!

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