Sunday, January 10, 2010

I screwed up so bad with him...advice please?

A guy liked me. I was so skeptical and I thought he was just making fun of me (seriously!) So I rejected him and was soo mean because I thought he really actually hated me and was making fun of me. I couldn't grasp that he actually liked me. He sent me a facebook request (he NEVER did that before so that made me extra suspicious.) can you imagine? right when He got the guts to send me a facebook request after how I've treated him, I reject him AGAIN. I thought he was making fun of me because some ppl told him I liked him.

Next time I saw him, he was SO angry and hurt. I am shocked now after this epiphany because I really do like the kid a lot. But it freaks me out because everything that could possibly go wrong keeps going wrong since the day we met.

I feel terrible, what should I do? and why do I keep thinking he hates me when in reality it's the exact opposite?

Please be nice, advice please/. :( *depressedI screwed up so bad with him...advice please?
You need to tell him what you just told us, as awful as it sounds.

YOU are very very insecure. You are worthy of someone's attention and admiration, you are probably a beautiful girl and you seem to be fairly intelligent and literate. You deserve to be happy too. I say these things because I know why you thought that, because I have done the same thing to people my entire life. I always felt exactly like you did. And I have always had very low self esteem. Please stop thinking that way, it's ridiculous.

You hurt his feelings so it's going to be hard to get him to come around again, but you should start by apologizing and then explaining yourself. The truth is always best. Please do it. You will feel so much better, even if he isn't receptive, you will feel better for apologizing and trying. Good luck.I screwed up so bad with him...advice please?
tell him your sorry and that you would like to get to know him if you do like him and be friends first and that you felt offended because you thought he was making fun of you.good luck hope this helped

well, this might be wrong to some people.

but i think you should tell him the truth.

and everything tell him how you feel.

and what you thought before:)
oh honey, you got this situation in a bundle. hahaha sorry. i think the best thing to do is just come clean. tell him what you thought and im sure he'll understand.

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