Thursday, May 13, 2010

Is this a bad idea?? I need advice.?

Where I work, we have been given this survey to fill out where we offer anonymous comments about our thoughts and feelings about the direction the company is going in. We are also supposed to offer ideas for things that might boost the morale of the office. I had a few ideas but I'd like to run them by on here before I jot them down...

a) Toga Fridays---Everyone in the office wears a toga, complete with that funky green crown on their heads.

b) One day of the week, preferably on Wednesday (hump day) slapping and touching of rear ends (like football players) is acceptable.

c) Siestas between 1:30 and 2:30 are allowed.

Your thoughts on these ideas????Is this a bad idea?? I need advice.?
you would be the perfect boss for me ....come here you let me hug ya for being the most intelligent man in the work force by far....

Ill take c) as a quickie insteadIs this a bad idea?? I need advice.?
i like a and c a lot but i think b is really redundant. you can't give themes to two days of the week! it's either a theme for friday, which is customary, a theme for every day, or none at all. maybe you should just make that kind of thing acceptable every day and not have to worry about it. i've found that it really raises office morale. run this by the boss; i'm sure he'll agree.

they really wont take you seriously!!

maybe a dress down friday (so you can wear whatever you want....maybe YOU should wear a toga!!! lol)

longer lunch hour?? one half day?? more flexible hours?? (then you go take a siesta, lol)

just completely bypass the whole slapping idea....

ongoing funny competitions......(like, whose but crack is this, or baby photo etc. etc.)

i know, i know..... i sound really dull now, but they would NEVER take your original ideas seriously, if they did it would be LEGENDARY!!! lol.
I would say no to all 3. First of all, Toga Fridays? Honestly I wouldn't want to wear a toga at work... Second, the slapping of rears is just asking for a harassment plea.. Siestas should be your lunch break. Sorry to sound like a hum-bug but its just my thoughts maybe instead of Toga Fridays, be Casual friday. Something along those lines
ahm... i can't really say if they are good or bad ideas cause first of all, i need to know what kind of work do you do, and second is what kind of people work there?

though A and C is a fun event...

I think their weird...

But try these ones:

1. Food Day- All have to bring in a peice of food each and then have party with them at the end of the day.

2. 60-80's all dress up as that time period, afros, big glasses, shoes, swishy skirts.

3. OPOSIT SEX DAY! Men dress as women, Women dress as men.
The siesta one seems like a good idea though maybe an hour is a bit much. The other two ideas seem to be asking for trouble, but they are funny.
yes to B and C but B but A is dumb sorry but ya b is pretty funny but they will say no because the work world wants to make sure you don't enjoy your time there
hahaha:p okay well if you want them to take you siriously i think you should cahnge it up.

for example maybe siestas can be half an hour long (explaination:people work better when they are rested)
A. Yes

B. Perverted

C. Umm... Yeah, I guess

Every Monday Should Be Halloween. You should dress weird every monday!
Like the workplace ideas - not too sure about the togos - some people just do not belong in a toga
I would go for the 3rd one cuz im so lazy all of the others are wack or u can get suspended for harassments so yea

What, no Hawaiian shirt day?

I am appalled!
How about Thursdays, maybe you could actually work on this particular day eh?
It would be funny, but they wouldn't take them seriously.
its anonymous just do it

they probably wont take them seriously
I think HR is going to want to talk to you
i like them, but idea number 2(B) should be on friday.
how about more time off to boost the morale you are asking for lawsuits
The second one sounds perverted
You're gonna need to find a new job!

Those are funny ;o)

And yes...bad idea.
your an idiot...but you go right ahead and fill out the survey.......
Love your ideas!
Great Ideas....LOL...!!
Relax its sunday..., leave work at work.
how bout wicked tie tuesday where everyone wears a crazy tie.

but iike c aslo
thats great. i love all of them. dont forget about happy hour mondays. those would be nice
You're kidding, right?
I like C...unless by A you mean I can wear my sheets to work?
lol they will never let u guys do that

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