The only thing I am trying is Canesten Cream, as I am not sure what else I can use whilst being pregnant, I assume there isn't anything internal or any tablets allowed......I am using the cream and then it seems better for a day so I stop and then the day after that it is back with a vengance and very uncomfortable.........I am wearing cotton knickers, and lose clothing, i can't drink cranberry juice as I am allergic to berries.....any advice would be welcome and is desperately needed...thanks. xI am 14 weeks pregnant and am suffering really bad with Thrush...any advice on how to get through this?
Dont wear any underwear that is lacy, nylon or polyester- cotton only. Canesten cream works for some people, but as a preventative measure, cut down on foods that contain a lot of yeast, such as bread, as Thrush is simply a yeast infection. Your doctor will be able to tell you what medications are safe to take hen your pregnant, there are a lot of tablets and internal creams and suppositories you can use.I am 14 weeks pregnant and am suffering really bad with Thrush...any advice on how to get through this?
you could try yogurt, plain and think they call it live??.....or check with GP coz canesten comes in table and cream form and you use both together.... also use cream for a couple of days, at least 4.... so that the cream can begin to work
hope this helps
See your doctor. This is a very common pregnancy problem and he'll give you something safe:)
Continue the cream even after it has cleared up at least for a little while, and eat yogurt with active live culture in it, most yogurt has active live culture but you can always check the carton when you buy it. Ask your OB to be safe, but thats what I would do, when my daughter was a few months old she kept having problems with yeast infections and once I started giving her yogurt once a day she was fine.
The cream just relieves the itching, it doesnt solve the problem.
You can use the internal pessary to get rid of it.
I used to get thrush quite often when I was pregnant, and the doctor (and the lady behind the counter at the chemist) said this was perfectly safe.
I had that last week and went to the doctors. He didnt even examine me but wrote me out a prescription for canesten cream and a pessary. Normally is about 拢10 but obviously we get it free. I found that the pessary worked and have used the cream a bit. If it still persists after this then go back to the docs. Dont have sex for a bit and make sure he is clean when you do. The cotton knicks and loose clothing is essential and when you shower, use a perfume free gel. Also when youre on your own at home, try not to wear much down there, keep it free and airy lol. I know how you feel and its not nice! Hope you feel better soon x
I had the same problem when I was 12 weeks pregnant. The Canesten cream will help only to reduce the itchiness. I used CANESTEN DUO - the cream for the outside and a pessary which you insert inside the vagina. It really works. Good luck!
I assume you have a yeast infection... A little trick I used while pregnant was to wipe all the white gunk away with tissue and then I would cover the folds of my vagina with vaseline to protect my skin from the irritant. I just did that a couple times a day and the thrush took care of itself.
Go see an aromatherapist. Some essential oils are fantastic for treating Thrush. But you MUST get professional advice, as some oils induce menstruation.
see your doctor because he can prescribe you with tablets to take aswell.
remember thrush is caused from the inside, even though people dont know it and believe it needs treating on the outside.
most cases you can treat it from the outside, depending how far youve left it.
drink lots of water, and when you go toilet wipe from the top to the bottom.
dont keep washing yourself down below, because you are actually getting rid of the good bacteria that exits the vagina (vaginal discharge), try not to itch, or you will get a burning sensation and make it worse.
carry on with your cream, and put quite a bit on just before going to bed, so when your sleeping it doesnt irrate you so much, you'll feel much better in the morning.
ive experienced this a few times, and took these methods, they help alot.
I'll also assume you mean a yeast infection, since the condition known as thrush refers specifically to the oral Candida infection an infant can develop as well as the topical Candida infection a nursing mother can develop on her nipples.
Yeast infections are very, very common during pregnancy because the environment of the vaginal area changes a great deal throughout pregnancy. In effect, it becomes an ideal environment for the Candida fungus to grow.
In the US, most OBs don't even bother having pregnant women come in for Candida infections. This is what is recommended:
1. taking Acidopholus tablets twice a day. This helps restore the ';friendly bacteria'; level in your body, especially in your vaginal region. Once your body's healthy flora is restored, the Candida will start to regress. Acidopholus tablets can be bought in health food stores and herbal remedy areas in markets in the States; not sure where you can get them. Be sure to refrigerate them or they will die and be useless. I've killed a good number of Acidopholus in my years as a mom.
2. adding acidopholus yoghurts to your diet. This is not as efficient as taking the tablets, however.
3. avoid wearing tight jeans, work-out clothing, and anything but cotton underpants.
4. Shower/bathe frequently. Use cool water to rinse yourself off down there. Do NOT douche or use strong soaps to scrub the area.
5. Use an internal yeast infection medication (I'll assume these are the ';pessaries'; that other posters have mentioned; in the US, they are called suppositories). There are some that only need to be used for one or three days. There are others that need to be used for 7 to 9 days. You want the kind that take 7 to 9 days as the ones for less time are simply not as efficient in killing the Candida.
Cranberry juice does nothing to get rid of yeast infections -- that is what is used to help ease kidney and bladder infections.
Good luck!
You are supposed to keep using the cream for14 days after the infection has cleared up or it will just come back
Sounds like so far you are doing some smart things to get rid of thrush; here are a few more tips.
-Avoid getting hot and sweaty - use pantliners and change them as necessary throughout the day.
- Boil cotton underwear or hot-iron gussets of underwear. Modern low-temperature washing machine cycles don't kill Candida spores and you may re-infect yourself from your underwear.
Keep in mind cotton is a wonderful breading ground for bacteria, change underwear more than ones daily.
-Avoid using bath additives, vaginal deodorants or douches which can upset your natural acid and bacterial balance.
-Acidic conditions can be encouraged in the vagina by using a mildly acidic gel or replenishing wash available from pharmacies.
-Eating an iron-rich diet and taking multivitamins and minerals with iron may help to prevent recurrent attacks. If you suffer from recurrent Candida, ask your partner to use an anti-fungal cream as men can harbor yeasts without developing symptoms.
-Smearing live Bio yoghurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus around the vulva will help to replenish levels of friendly bacteria.
-Take acidophilus capsules with the okay from your doctor. This shouldn鈥檛 be a problem because they are naturally found in yogurt and your body needs them.
-Try to keep your stress levels way down, as stressed out bodies make trust happy!
-Cut out sugar (they feed off of it) and cut out fermented foods.
-cut out all processed grain and dairy (other than yogurt).
-use white vinegar in the rinse cycle to kill all the thrushies.
-Take 300 mg of garlic daily. You can buy them in capsules and are odor free. Yeah.
Remember is your body is sensitive to upsetting bacteria in your body, this could be a problem again once the baby is born, and can be passed on to him/her through breast milk. So continue to treat yourself and your laundry to help prevent the reoccurrence of thrush.
Good luck in treating candida and preventing its attack again.
AAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!! My sympathy to you. I remember it soooo well. Go to the chemist, get a bottle of gentian violet, a zillion cotton buds and a six pack of black knickers.
This stuff stains EVERYTHING purple....but it WORKS.
Make sure your partner and health worker both know what you're doing! You could have fun 'painting'! Also, get some pro-biotic acidophilus tabets to soothe your internal flora. (like eating buckets of yoghurt).
Good luck!
i had this with my 3rd. you can use internal pessaries get your gp to prescribe some. also try live yoghurt and sleep with no knicks or pyjama bottoms that helped cool me down so to speak. also dont use bubble bath or fragranced soaps on your lady garden that can make it feel worse.
Some of the following remedies might be helpful.
鈥?Apply witch-hazel compresses or ice packs to the inflamed area.
鈥?Eat natural live yogurt which should restore the proper bacterial balance in your vagina. However, you will have to wait a while for relief from the itching.
鈥?Wear cotton underwear.
鈥?Avoid long hot baths, which provide the ideal warm, moist environment in which the bacteria flourish.
Hope this helps
Good luck with your baby xx
I am really surprised Yahoo allowed this Question..
I am a bloke but read on. This will probably sound daft, BUT I reckon you probably have a problem with candida. Doctors do not like to admit that this can be a serious problem, I had these problems for 15 years around my crutch and feet, there is a site for candida read it. I now wear a kilt due to the original problem
How to reduce it, eat really greasy foods for say a week, pork, hamburgers, etc NO CARBOHYDRATES, NONE.
Have laxatives, and sugar free drinking yogurts without fruit
and basically it will clear out your gut out and all ';belly bugs'; like candida will go.
It has taken me about 6 months to get rid of all the problems due to the toxins in my body due to candida.
You will be surprised at the various problems candida can cause. Again, visit their site.鈥?/a>
Enjoy the baby and as we say it only needs to be ';elfie';.
The first thing you need to do is eat yogurt. It has live cultures that restore the natural balance down there (and it's good for your digestion and full of calcium). Some people's infections will clear up just with that method. Oral medications are not recommended during pregnacy and you should consult your doctor before using any medications. If thrush occurs in the first three months of pregnancy, your doctor will probably not want to prescribe you anything. Some of the following remedies might be helpful, too.
Apply witch-hazel compresses or ice packs to the inflamed area.
Wear cotton underwear.
Avoid long hot baths, which provide the ideal warm, moist environment in which the bacteria flourish.
Vaginal infections are fairly common in pregnancy. Thrush is caused by a microscopic fungus called Candida albicans. This organism lives in the intestinal tract of both men and women, and nearly one third of all women have it in their vagina. It only becomes a problem when its numbers outgrow competing microorganisms. During pregnancy, the vagina is rich in glycogen which promotes the growth of Candida -- hence, a pregnant woman is 10 times more likely to get thrush than when she is not expecting.
This may sound weird but Live yoghurt put upinside .....abit messy but it redresses the yeast inbalance
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