No, you're not bad. Don't feel guilty because a murderer got mad at you. He is so full of hate that he is likely to get mad at anyone who disagrees with him. I would pray for him at least. People who have their mind set on doing things their own way are hard to stop, but even so, the Holy Spirit (God's angels) can stop him from committing murder. He'd end up on death row.How can it be bad if you advice someone who is in trouble not to kill someone ?
You are not bad. You told them to forgive so that God might forgive them. That is the truth. Let it go at that. Further, you might want to distance yourself from the person who wishes to harm another by an act of murder, because if you have prior knowledge of this act, you are somewhat responsible to notify the person or the authorities in an attempt to prevent this thing from happening. I would just stay away from that person and let them think what ever they have to think, without you being around them.
';You shall not murder. Ex 20:13
';...for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.'; Romans 12:19
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