Sunday, January 10, 2010

My teeth are so bad!! Need dental advice?

My teeth are so bad, its either cavities, or my teeth are startin to decay, due to tiny holes in the sides. about 3 or 4 teeth hav this problem. I also hav a half cracked chewing tooth, but havnt been to the dentist. And to add to these problems, my teeth are slightly crooked, which shows i should hav had braces when i was younger (im 20 now). I havnt visited the dentist in atleast 7 years. this is not because i am unhygienic, but rather i am afraid of needles in my mouth, and having teeth pulled out with pliers. And now i am regreting leaving my teeth in such a state, as i am now 20, and will no way be able to afford dental care. Is there anyway of recieving free dental care, as i am still a student, i understand the NHS may offer free dental care, but do they provide braces!! and at my age braces will braces look silly.. so would the NHS use invicible braces...

Any advice/info would be really helpful.

My back teeth are hurting as i am writing this..

PS i do brush my teeth btwMy teeth are so bad!! Need dental advice?
You still have time. Just go to a good dentist. If you're really scared of needles in the mouth etc ask if you can have stuff done under sedation. If you're entitled to free you can get that for free. They'll put you to sleep and do the stuff that needs doing. Please dont wait until its too late. I know its easy to say but just put your fear to one side and think of your teeth. You wont get another set. Just go and see a dentist for a check up, and see what advice they can give you and take it from there. Good luck.My teeth are so bad!! Need dental advice?
first go to a gp to check there are no other problems in the mouth area,

here in Leeds we have a dental hospital which any one can go sign to become gineuae pigs, as these are dental students doing a dental course to become future dentists so your mouth/teeth would delight them, if you lived here, is there one in your town?.

look into the benefit system by visiting the DSS offices about dental treatments, with the sound and description of your teeth expect 2months work on them for them to be perfect, again, but keep brushing them and listerine is good, so is swilling with salt water, salts a antiseptic which will heal anything sore oil of cloves rubbed on aching teeth eases the pain, but you do need to see a dentist, bad teeth, often leads to a bad stomach.
in the name of fu'ck wee fella, what the fuc'k do you think me and others pay tax for is it so young people can suffer? ahm no! get yerself down the dentist and claim of the dole, but none of this nhs crap tell em you want prostetic fillings. dont forget me and your parents put them through dental school they owe you at least a fair go. anything less is butchery.
You need to see the dentist as you obviously have caries, I cannot tell you if its a root canal treatment or just a restoartive filling because I havent sene them myslef, you nee dto go and at least have XRays taken to find out whats wrong, if you are afraid of needles and things I suggest you see a denitst who specializes in SEDATION as it iwll help you, they will put you to slepe completely relaxed and you wont felel a thing only to wake up 5 hours later with you r teeth all fixed, at least look into sedation dentistry its helped many people like you before.
GO see a dentist! Have him prioritize what needs to be done. You'll be surprised most of them will be helpful if you will just be honest and sincere about wanting to get the work done but with financial difficulties. Some dental offices offer a 'credit card' to use towards dental work. They even offer zero interest.
You have to go to a dentist to get things sorted before you end up with plastic teeth! And forget about ortho for the moment. No orthodontist will touch you until you are dentally fit and you can show that your oral hygeine is up to scratch. This is becaues your teeth are very vunerable to decay when you are wearing ortho appliances.

Go and get registered. A check up is free and xrays only cost a few pounds. Your dentist will give you a written estimate and if you let him/her know what you can afford at this stage thay can tell you what needs to be done most urgently. Then you can save up to complete the work. Also at a check up you can see if you like and trust the dentist and let them know that you are nervous. Trust me! As a dentist not a day goes by without somebody coming through the door like you that just needs a little help to get back into the routine of going to the dentist. Dentists are used to dealing with nervous patients.

Don't use money as an excuse to put it off. Get on as many waiting lists as you can to find a dentist and start saving while you are waiting to be accepted by one. Once your teeth are gone there is no getting them back and dentures are not sexy!!!
You definitely need to see a dentist. Not even for cosmetic purposes, but for your health. If you get an infection it can lead to the blood stream and to your heart. I would see if the state can offer you any assistance. Also check local colleges. Usually students studying to become dentists will provide you care at a discounted rate. I understand your fear of needles, TRUST ME, I understand. I shake like a leaf and have to take an anxiety pill before I go, but I go. Best of luck to you. I hope you find one. Also call your local dentists in your area and see if they accept payment plans. And no, braces on a 20 year old would not look silly. Better late then never if you need to have them.鈥?/a>
Nikki is correct, you need to get to a dentist as quickly as possible, not for cosmetic reasons, but for your own health.

The sooner you go the sooner you'll get everything sorted out, and the less painful and expensive it will be.

If you call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 they will be able to give you a list of NHS dentists in your area. Ring around and you'll find somewhere eventually. You can get a form from them and they will provide your treatment for free.

Don't worry about the braces at the moment. You want to get those cavities and all the decay sorted out. Don't worry about the needle, either. I had my first filling 6 months ago and had never had an injection in my mouth before and was nervous as hell. To my relief, it actually didn't hurt that much at all. It was more of a sort of dull ache that lasted just a few seconds.

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