Sunday, May 9, 2010

I want a kitten so bad but how can i get one?i need advice.?

i need a kitten!!!!!!!!!!!!I want a kitten so bad but how can i get one?i need advice.?
First of all visit your local animal shelter, there are so many kittens that need a good home.... Also look in your newspaper, there are always alot of ads in there. Hope this helps you and Good Luck in your search...I want a kitten so bad but how can i get one?i need advice.?
Look in paper.Ask friends and co workers.Go to vets office and put up request.Kittens are not hard to find.Walk through a few neighbourhoods,you may find a few starving ones there.Check out shelters....
I know you need a kitten check your local Humane Society,

they usually have some great cats or look in your local news paper for animals some times they will give a kitten free to a good home, last check the supermarket customer information board like where they want to advertise garage sales etc.
go to a pet store.....usually, there will be an animal farm near your city or something, if you can't find an animal farm or pet store, try the website WWW.Petfinder.Com.
Well one of the best ways to get a kitten is to visit your local animal shelter. Even better than a kitten is to adopt an adult cat since everyone wants the kittens you will be giving a good home to a cat that needs it.
wait patiently by a pregnant cat and...


new baby cat!!


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