Saturday, January 23, 2010

Need your advice....its probably a bad question but i am curious. I have developed a crush but I am married.?

ive been married for over twelve years, and there is nothing wrong. I even have a wonderful son. life is great! but this woman has my mind dazzled. I have not done anything and I have not attempted, but I do see her and we have great conversations and she knows Im married. Im not after anything, but she has me going crazeeeeee...!Need your advice....its probably a bad question but i am curious. I have developed a crush but I am married.?
Get a grip! Grass is not always greener on the other side, all that glitters isn't gold. Don't let someone else steal your interests. It sounds like you need to end communication with this person unless you are willing to jeaporadize your relationships with your wife and son. You are in dangerous territory, and you have let this go further than it should.Need your advice....its probably a bad question but i am curious. I have developed a crush but I am married.?
I understand where you are coming from. Be very careful in what you do say to this person, because this can lead to big trouble. Crushes will happen occasionally, but remember they are but for a moment and to act upon them would be devastating to your family, and to yourself. I am assuming you work with this person. Try not to let the conversations linger...keep it light and to business.

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